module multi vesioning

Showcase how to manage multiple versions of same module in its version directories


Use version git repo as module directory

If the module is code in git repo, the other way to organize the module and version is to checkout each version of that module and put it into a module directory - .modules, like below:

├── hello-module
│   ├── up.yml
│   └── upconfig.yml
│   └── upconfig.yml
├── .modules
│      ├── hi-module@release_1.2.3
│      └── up.yml
│      ├── hi-module@feature_branch
│      └── up.yml
│      ├── hi-module@e8e9dc5dc913e211fdaa3bf1bd8a6618e602e8ff
│      └── up.yml
│      ├── hi-module@e8e9dc5
│      └── up.yml
├───── world-module
│      ├── up.yml
│      └── upconfig.yml
├───── up.yml
└───── upconfig.yml

module pull

Ξ ▶ mod pull -d ./tests/modtests/0011 -i dev --configdir=$./tests/modtests/ -w refdir
loading [Config]:  ./tests/modtests/0011/upconfig.yml
Main config:
  Version -> 1.0.0
  RefDir -> ./tests/modtests/0011
  WorkDir -> refdir
  TaskFile -> up.yml
  Verbose -> vvv
  ModuleName -> reverent_archimedes3
  MaxCallLayers -> 8
work dir: ./tests/modtests/0011
loading [Task]:  ./up.yml
module: [reverent_archimedes3] instance id: [dev]
-validate all modules:
-pull repos:
  |  PROPERTY  |                   VALUE                   |
  | alias      | hello                                     |
  | dir        | .upmodules/hello@v2                       |
  | repo       | |
  | version    | v2                                        |
  | pullpolicy | skip                                      |
  | instanceid | nonamed                                   |
  | subdir     |                                           |
WARN: [module repo exist: skipped] - [repo: [.upmodules/hello@v2]]
  checkout version
checkout version: v2 ...
  git checkout v2
  Already on 'v2'
  Your branch is up to date with 'origin/v2'.
  |  PROPERTY  |                   VALUE                   |
  | alias      | hello-dummy1                              |
  | dir        | .upmodules/hello-dummy1@master            |
  | repo       | |
  | version    | master                                    |
  | pullpolicy | always                                    |
  | instanceid | nonamed                                   |
  | subdir     |                                           |
removing .upmodules/hello-dummy1@master ...Enumerating objects: 9, done.
Counting objects: 100% (9/9), done.
Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
  Total 9 (delta 2), reused 9 (delta 2), pack-reused 0
  checkout version
checkout version: master ...
  git checkout master
  Already on 'master'
  Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
  |  PROPERTY  |                              VALUE                               |
  | alias      | hello-dummy2                                                     |
  | dir        | .upmodules/hello-dummy2@25456bbcd17db524d1148e42bdcc3bb36ce90042 |
  | repo       |                        |
  | version    | 25456bbcd17db524d1148e42bdcc3bb36ce90042                         |
  | pullpolicy | always                                                           |
  | instanceid | nonamed                                                          |
  | subdir     |                                                                  |
removing .upmodules/hello-dummy2@25456bbcd17db524d1148e42bdcc3bb36ce90042 ...Enumerating objects: 9, done.
Counting objects: 100% (9/9), done.
Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
  Total 9 (delta 2), reused 9 (delta 2), pack-reused 0
  checkout version
checkout version: 25456bbcd17db524d1148e42bdcc3bb36ce90042 ...
  git checkout 25456bbcd17db524d1148e42bdcc3bb36ce90042
Note: switching to '25456bbcd17db524d1148e42bdcc3bb36ce90042'.

module list

Ξ ▶  mod list -d ./tests/modtests/0011 -i dev --configdir=./tests/modtests/0011 -w refdir
loading [Config]:  ./tests/modtests/0011/upconfig.yml
Main config:
  Version -> 1.0.0
  RefDir -> ./tests/modtests/0011
  WorkDir -> refdir
  TaskFile -> up.yml
  Verbose -> vvv
  ModuleName -> elated_payne9
  MaxCallLayers -> 8
work dir: ./tests/modtests/0011
loading [Task]:  ./up.yml
module: [elated_payne9] instance id: [dev]
-list all modules:
  | IDX |    ALIAS     |                               DIR                                |                   REPO                    |                 VERSION                  | PULLPOLICY | INSTANCEID | SUBDIR |
  |   1 | hello-module | hello-module/                                                    |                                           |                                          |            | nonamed    |        |
  |   2 | hello        | .upmodules/hello@v2                                              | | v2                                       | skip       | nonamed    |        |
  |   3 | hello-dummy1 | .upmodules/hello-dummy1@master                                   | | master                                   | always     | nonamed    |        |
  |   4 | hello-dummy2 | .upmodules/hello-dummy2@25456bbcd17db524d1148e42bdcc3bb36ce90042 | | 25456bbcd17db524d1148e42bdcc3bb36ce90042 | always     | nonamed    |        |
-validate all modules:

config file - upconfig.yml

    version: 1.0.0
    Verbose: vvv
    MaxCallLayers: 8
    RefDir: .
    TaskFile: up.yml
    ConfigDir: .
    ConfigFile: upconfig.yml
      - #if there is no repo, then it will use the dir as module and incorporate as module
        dir: hello-module/
        alias: hello-module
      - repo:
        alias: hello
        #v2 is a branch
        version: v2
        pullpolicy: skip
      - repo:
        alias: hello-dummy1
        version: master
        pullpolicy: always
      - repo:
        alias: hello-dummy2
        #    version: e8e9dc5
        version: 25456bbcd17db524d1148e42bdcc3bb36ce90042
        pullpolicy: always

up task - up.yml

        name: Main
        desc: main entry
            func: call
            do: hello-module.Say_hello
            func: call
            do: hello.Say_hello
            func: call
            do: hello.Say_hello
            func: call
            do: hello-dummy1.Say_world
            func: call
            do: hello-dummy2.Say_hello

up module task - up.yml

        name: Main
        desc: main entry
            func: shell
            desc: main job
              - echo "hello "
        name: Say_hello
            func: cmd
              a: aaa
              - name: print
                cmd: "... hello"
            func: call
            do: hi-module.Say_hi

up module config - upconfig.yml

    RefDir: .
    TaskFile: up.yml
        dir: hi-module/
        alias: hi-module

hi module task - up.yml

        name: Main
        desc: main entry
            func: shell
            desc: main job
              - echo "hello "
        name: Say_hi
            func: cmd
              a: aaa
              - name: print
                cmd: "... hi"
Main log file
    loading [Config]:  ./tests/modtests/0011/upconfig.yml
    Main config:
                 Version -> 1.0.0
                  RefDir -> ./tests/modtests/0011
                 WorkDir -> refdir
              AbsWorkDir -> /up_project/up/tests/modtests/0011
                TaskFile -> up.yml
                 Verbose -> v
              ModuleName -> self
               ShellType -> /bin/sh
           MaxCallLayers -> 8
                 Timeout -> 3600000
     MaxModuelCallLayers -> 256
               EntryTask -> Main
      ModRepoUsernameRef -> 
      ModRepoPasswordRef -> 
    work dir: /up_project/up/tests/modtests/0011
    -exec task: Main
    loading [Task]:  ./up.yml
    module: [self], instance id: [dev], exec profile: []
    Task1: [Main ==> Main: main entry ]
    loading [Config]:  ./upconfig.yml
    loading [Task]:  ./up.yml
    module: [hello-module], instance id: [nonamed], exec profile: []
     WARN: [*be aware*] - [both instance id and exec profile are not set]
    =>call module: [hello-module] task: [Say_hello]
    Task2: [TODO: Main Caller Taskname ==> Say_hello:  ]
    ~SubStep1: [print:  ]
    ... hello
     WARN: [config file does not exist] - [use builtin defaults]
    loading [Task]:  ./up.yml
    module: [hi-module], instance id: [nonamed], exec profile: []
     WARN: [*be aware*] - [both instance id and exec profile are not set]
    =>call module: [hi-module] task: [Say_hi]
    Task2: [TODO: Main Caller Taskname ==> Say_hi:  ]
    ~SubStep1: [print:  ]
    ... hi
     WARN: [config file does not exist] - [use builtin defaults]
    loading [Task]:  ./up.yml
    module: [hello], instance id: [nonamed], exec profile: []
     WARN: [*be aware*] - [both instance id and exec profile are not set]
    =>call module: [hello] task: [Say_hello]
    Task3: [TODO: Main Caller Taskname ==> Say_hello:  ]
    ~SubStep1: [print:  ]
     .... hello from Say_hello
     WARN: [config file does not exist] - [use builtin defaults]
    loading [Task]:  ./up.yml
    module: [hello], instance id: [nonamed], exec profile: []
     WARN: [*be aware*] - [both instance id and exec profile are not set]
    =>call module: [hello] task: [Say_hello]
    Task3: [TODO: Main Caller Taskname ==> Say_hello:  ]
    ~SubStep1: [print:  ]
     .... hello from Say_hello
     WARN: [config file does not exist] - [use builtin defaults]
    loading [Task]:  ./up.yml
    module: [hello-dummy1], instance id: [nonamed], exec profile: []
     WARN: [*be aware*] - [both instance id and exec profile are not set]
    =>call module: [hello-dummy1] task: [Say_world]
    Task2: [TODO: Main Caller Taskname ==> Say_world:  ]
    ~SubStep1: [print:  ]
     .... world from Say_world
     WARN: [config file does not exist] - [use builtin defaults]
    loading [Task]:  ./up.yml
    module: [hello-dummy2], instance id: [nonamed], exec profile: []
     WARN: [*be aware*] - [both instance id and exec profile are not set]
    =>call module: [hello-dummy2] task: [Say_hello]
    Task3: [TODO: Main Caller Taskname ==> Say_hello:  ]
    ~SubStep1: [print:  ]
     .... hello from Say_hello
Logs with different verbose level
Raw logs with different verbose level