The call func actually is very powerfully to create a execution branch with its own stack. So if you use a if condition to call another task, it actually separate the implementation with your own main flow.
Also with multiple if, it is similar to convert the workflow to if/if else, or switch/case etc. Or with embeded if in callee, you could create branched flows so this enrichs the workflow management in very simple way compare to other tools
- name: task
- func: call
- taska
if: "false"
- func: cmd
- name: greet
value: hello
flags: [vvvv]
if: "true"
- func: call
- taska
if: "true"
- name: taska
- func: shell
desc: greet var will be no value as it is a local var for cmd step
- echo "hello from taska"
- echo "{{.greet}} from taska"
loading [Config]: ./tests/functests/upconfig.yml
Main config:
Version -> 1.0.0
RefDir -> ./tests/functests
WorkDir -> cwd
AbsWorkDir -> /up_project/up
TaskFile -> c0055
Verbose -> vvv
ModuleName -> self
ShellType -> /bin/sh
MaxCallLayers -> 8
Timeout -> 3600000
MaxModuelCallLayers -> 256
EntryTask -> task
ModRepoUsernameRef ->
ModRepoPasswordRef ->
work dir: /up_project/up
-exec task: task
loading [Task]: ./tests/functests/c0055
module: [self], instance id: [dev], exec profile: []
profile - envVars:
Task1: [task ==> task: ]
self: final context exec vars:
"up_runtime_task_layer_number": 0
condition failed, skip executing step
dvar> greet:
self: final context exec vars:
"up_runtime_task_layer_number": 0,
"greet": "hello"
WARN: [cmd] - [Not implemented or void for no action!]
self: final context exec vars:
"up_runtime_task_layer_number": 0
=Task2: [task ==> taska: ]
--Step1: [: greet var will be no value as it is a local var for cmd step ]
self: final context exec vars:
"up_runtime_task_layer_number": 1
cmd( 1):
echo "hello from taska"
hello from taska
.. ok
cmd( 2):
echo "{{.greet}} from taska"
<no value> from taska
.. ok
. ok